Hi, I'm John, an experienced Piano Technician based in Staffordshire.
GEV Chapman & Son was established in 1979 by my father George Chapman on the back of his extensive experience in the pipe-organ building and renovating sector. I am proud to have taken on the legacy built by my father, further building an excellent reputation with private customers, famous artists and prestigious musical institutions.

Piano Tuning Services
From the biggest stages to your front lounge; I have the experience to tune your piano. Take a look at my services or contact me for more info.

People often ask me why pianos need tuning regularly...
When a piano is tuned, the strings are adjusted until they are vibrating at the correct pitch. Because pianos are made out of wood, even slight changes in temperature and humidity can affect a piano's performance considerably as the wood absorbs or loses moisture and swells or shrinks. With this swelling and shrinkage, there is inevitably very slight movement in the placement of the strings with the bridges and sounding board of the piano. Even slight movements cause the strings' vibrations to change, which in turn makes the piano go out of tune.
Competent & a pleasure
"John has tuned our piano for years, before that, his father, George, did it.
Both very competent and a pleasure to deal over the past 32 years..."
Mr T Handley
Private Customer
I wouldn't go anywhere else
"...Tuning our piano since about 1985! Lovely to work with, professional, courteous, prompt and reliable and most importantly the piano always sounds wonderful once they have finished. I wouldn't go anywhere else to get our piano tuned. Highly recommend."
Mrs N Lee
Private Customer